Lori Harvey’s Silver Lip Ring Adds The Subtlest Touch Of Edge
Too cool.

The phrase “one to watch” implies a starlet’s imminent come-up. Lori Harvey has already ascended to mega-influential it girl status, but she’s worth keeping an eye on for another reason: she is always experimenting with a new look or fresh aesthetic. Be it a bold hair color transformation or a front-row worthy outfit, every time you check Harvey’s Instagram, she’s posted yet another screenshot-worthy moment. Her best work, though, is when she goes for something unexpected. On the new cover of StyleCaster, Harvey’s silver lip ring is a gleaming, glam-punk complement to her fur coat and doll-like makeup. Just like the actor-entrepreneur herself, it’s both edgy and elegant. She says it best in the actual magazine interview: “I think I am ‘that girl.’” Clearly, she’s correct.
Harvey’s piercing — likely faux, of course, but you really never know — is positioned right in the center of her bottom lip, laced with a thin, bisecting silver hoop that splits it right down the middle. Against her smoky black lip liner, applied by celebrity makeup artist Leah Darcy, the subtle metallic glint is even more noticeable. Harvey isn’t wearing the lip ring in every photo from the shoot, but it makes a major impact in the frames it does appear in — including the cover.
Harvey isn’t exactly a stranger to piercings in general. She has a constellation’s worth of gems all down her ears, including a fun-looking (and very trendy) double stud through one curve of her cartilage. Adorning the area with hoops, rings, charms, and diamonds is a celebrity-favorite move right now, but Harvey’s new StyleCaster cover could be ushering in a whole new wave of cool-girl body modifications. Lip rings are typically considered a little edgier and more unexpected than earrings or even the somewhat-ubiquitous nose rings, but if anyone can bring the look mainstream, it’s Harvey. Over the years, her fellow stars like Kim Kardashian, Cardi B, and Cara Delevingne have all experimented with a hoop or stud through their lower lip. With Harvey now joining their ranks, the piercing has new momentum.
The tail-end of summer has already brought so much aesthetic change from Harvey — what could she be planning for the heart of fall?