
5 Stunning Summer Centerpiece Ideas To Steal From Gwyneth Paltrow’s Florist

by Allie Flinn

A bouquet of fresh flowers is the perfect finishing touch to any Instagram-worthy tablescape—and nobody knows that better than Eric Buterbaugh, The Bouqs Company’s chief floral designer. His dreamy designs have adorned the tables of celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore and our own Rachel Zoe. We asked him to share how to style five on-trend summer blooms.


In Bloom

The Bouqs Company Pegasus Bouquet


How to style them: “Salmon peonies with a black glass vase for nighttime is very chic. Peonies are very popular during summer because they bloom throughout the season.”

If you can't find salmon, Eric recommends a light pink peony like those in The Bouqs Company's Pegasus bouquet, pictured here.

The Bouqs Company Elegance Bouquet


How to style them: "White hydrangeas in a clear vase with a veining of white Tibet roses make captivating centerpieces for summer weddings."

The Bouqs Company Carmel Bouquet

Pink Spray Roses

How to style them: "Pink Floyd roses with pink spray rose accents, clear vase and green tea leaf lining. This arrangement is definitely a conversation piece for any indoor or outdoor event because it's so vibrant and breathtaking."

The Bouqs Company All The Rage Bouquet


How to style them: "Simple tulips in a tall glass cylinder as a single-ingredient arrangement—this is best for table settings that require a lot of space. Note: It's very important to clean the stems of tulips when you have a clear vase."

The Bouqs Company Sincere Bouquet

White Roses

How to style them: "One of my favorites is a small, simple centerpiece with a white rose on its own. It just exudes class."