
The Job That Will Pay You To Travel The World

by Erin Bunch

In what might be the most millennial-perfect job ever created, Netflix is offering a two-week gig taking pictures on movie and TV sets in Europe and the Middle East. Flexible? Check. Involving Netflix in some way? Check. Inclusive of world travel? Check. Actually paid? Check. Our minds are officially blown.

The “Grammasters” position includes all-expenses-paid travel as well as a $2k-per-week stipend, and job duties include visiting the sets of currently filming movies, TV shows and Netflix originals and taking original photographs the company will then use on Instagram. We don’t know about you, but we’d do this job for free, and we will be insanely jealous of whoever manages to secure the position.

If you want that person to be you, you’ll need to apply by March 6. To do so, follow @Netflix on Instagram and tag three of your photos—they should showcase your interests or passions—with the hashtag #grammasters3. They’re looking for people with enthusiasm for film and television and “a talent for taking pictures,” so keep both in mind while tagging your favorite photos. Not to pull the cart before the horse, but this is what our EIC Rachel Zoe thinks you should wear on your envy-inducing, once-in-a-lifetime travels once you’ve been hired for this dream job. Follow some of our favorite travel accounts on Instagram for further inspiration, and good luck!