Foolproof Tips For Taking A Great Instagram Photo
If you didn’t Instagram something, did it even happen? While we’d of course argue that life should be lived in the present, we can’t deny the value of a building a strong personal brand on social media, particularly if you’re interested in the style world. In light of this fact, we’ve created a fool-proof guide to help you snap better photos and curate an enviable feed. Get ready to take your Instagram game to the next level.
Double-Tap Worthy Shots
Create A Shot List
If you’re visiting somewhere Instagram-worthy, take a peek at the geotag and see how other users have photographed the area. This will give you all the inspiration you need to create the perfect shot. When all else fails, copy your favorite one—after all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Get The Lighting Right
No matter how many filters and photo-editing apps you use, no amount of adjusting can save a poorly lit photo. Natural light always looks better, so be sure to set up lay-down shots next to a window and open the blinds. If you’re shooting outdoors, early morning, late afternoon and overcast days are prime shooting times.
Don’t Overwork The Image
When applying filters and working with editing apps (especially the ones you can get carried away with, ahem, Facetune), try to be conservative. Instead, use subtle tweaks to enhance the image, without making it look fake.
Take More Than Enough
It’s rare to get a good shot on the first take. Take as many as possible and focus on getting different angles and various crops. Narrow your selection down to a couple and view the previews in Instagram.
Have Go-To Props
Do you ever feel like your picture is missing something? There are a few things you can use to fill up awkward empty spaces and dress up your composition. Coffee, summer cocktails, sunglasses, pretty purses and luxe beauty products are always a great choice.