Apple Confirms iPhone 8 Premiere Date, And Its Newest Features Might Be Bonkers

by Erin Bunch

Every time Apple announces a new phone, we promise ourselves we’re not going to get caught up in the hype, as what we have now works just fine. Then, the phone actually comes out and we realize our current model blows and we have to upgrade ASAP no matter the cost. We’re expecting the same to happen on September 12, which has been confirmed as the official premiere date for the newest iPhone. Actually, the company is expected to debut three new phones that day—the iPhone 8 and updated versions of the 7 and 7 Plus with wireless charging. Wireless charging! See? We need this.

The iPhone 8 is rumored to have a new 3-D face-scanning camera that will allow you to unlock your phone and process payments without a password—something we clearly also need. It may also have a bezel-free body and come in a new blush gold hue, but all is still speculation at this point. The only things we know for certain are the date on which the event will take place, the location (Cupertino, of course) and that we will inevitably be spending money we don’t have on these upgrades we don’t (but do!) need. Stay tuned.