Kim Kardashian Interviews Kylie Jenner About Her Best Beauty Secrets

If any famous siblings are going to give you #sistergoals, it’s Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. The self-acclaimed “mini Kim” has always gushed about how much her big sister has inspired her. For the August 2016 issue, they asked Kim to interview Kylie about her best beauty tips.
“Kim is interviewing me,” Jenner shouted to Khloé Kardashian, who took a break from making dinner to respond: “Kim Kardashian? Stop!” On the other end of the phone, Kim said, “Yes, I’m the interviewer. And you kept me waiting for 12 minutes. OK, Ky—are you ready?” Kim Kardashian West: “Have you ever stolen anything from me? I promise I won’t get mad.” Kylie Jenner: “Oh, all the time. But you always used to find out.” KKW: “Whhhhaaaat? Tell me!” KJ: “I’d steal your jackets.” KKW: “Oh, yeah…I’d go upstairs and all of my clothes would be up there.” KJ: “Yeah, but I don’t, like, go to your house and steal stuff.” KKW: “Have you ever lied to Mom, but not to your sisters?” KJ: “Oh, God! A lot of times. Well, not a lot.” KKW: “Mom used to tell me to use a hot washcloth to wash off makeup and exfoliate. Not sure why she didn’t pass that on to you. What’s the best beauty tip you ever got?” KKW: “Have you ever lied to Mom, but not to your sisters?” KJ: “Oh, God! A lot of times. Well, not a lot.” KKW: “Mom used to tell me to use a hot washcloth to wash off makeup and exfoliate. Not sure why she didn’t pass that on to you. What’s the best beauty tip you ever got?” KJ: “Khloé always tells me to wear sunscreen. [And] we were in Bora-Bora, and you and Kourtney were like, ‘Immediately go and get an eye cream and start using it.'” KKW: “So funny you remember that.” KJ: “When my skin feels dry, I’ll do a little bit of Kiehl’s face moisturizer under my eyes.” KKW: “You really should do it every day. OK, what’s the biggest beauty mistake you’ve ever made?” KJ: “Well, I definitely made my lips a little too big at one point.” KKW: “Yeah.” KJ: “I got excited and felt like I needed to do a lot. And then you guys were like, ‘Kylie, you need to chill.’ And then I had to go back and have it fixed, and it was a crazy process. Thank God I didn’t end up on Botched.” To read the full interview, check out the original article on Allure.com. By Davy Rothbart, Allure Contributor Photographer: Scott Trindle Newsstand Date: July 26, 2016