
The Water Supplement Your Workout Is Missing

Drink up!

by Natalia Lusinski
Originally Published: 
best water supplements
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At this point, you’ve probably heard dozens of times that drinking water does the body quite a bit of good, but what if plain old water is too, well, plain? Luckily, the health world has heard your cries and has plenty of water supplements at the ready, no matter what your specific wellness needs may be — even if it’s simply to up your hydration game.

“[Water supplements] can support a healthy hydration status for most individuals who may normally defer from drinking plain water,” Le Mire explains. “Additionally, supplemented water can help electrolyte intake, especially for athletes and those experiencing dehydration.” However, she recommends reading the label before buying any old supplement on the shelf. “Reviewing the added ingredients to beverages is crucial, as many include excessive sodium, calories, and added sugars,” she says. “Beneficial additions include an appropriate ratio of electrolytes (like sodium and potassium) and vitamins (like vitamin C).”

Of course, you can infuse plain water with your favorite fruit(s) — like strawberries, orange or lemon slices, and/or mint — or choose sparkling waters, Le Mire adds. And Kristen Kellogg, founder at Mapped Wellness and certified health coach, says that bone-broth-based homemade soups cooked with fresh veggies are also great for hydration. “The broth is high in minerals and veggies are water-rich foods — like celery, radishes, asparagus, and cabbage, and the list goes on,” she tells TZR in an email. But if you’re seeking those electrolytes and added vitamins and minerals, water supplements could be the easiest answer. “Depending on the supplement, you can get rich minerals quickly,” says Kellogg. “Around two-thirds of Americans have a magnesium deficiency, so taking a water supplement can help.”

However, she warns that supplements should be added on top of nutrient-dense and water-rich foods in your diet, not instead of. And adding a bit of sea salt or squeeze of lemon can help hydrate you faster, too. Le Mire agrees that no matter how you get your H2O in, just make sure you do it. “Ultimately, drink your water, people,” she says. “It's an easy task that provides vast rewards — and your body will thank you!” Below, you’ll find water supplements that are nutrition-approved, so hope you’re thirsty!

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