
How To Be A Better Coworker

by Allie Flinn

We love The Office as much as the next person (Jim+Pam 4Ever), but Dunder Mifflin Scranton doesn’t exactly seem like the most emotionally stable place to work. Real life is, alas, nothing like television—and so it’s unlikely you will win over your coworkers with your stellar Belsnickel impression or your beet farm.

Since you probably spend more hours per week with your co-workers than with anyone else in your life, it’s important to get along. Here are five tips to help you be a better coworker, and form lasting connections with your colleagues (or, at the very least, tolerate them until 6pm every day).

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How To Be A Better Coworker

Refill The Coffee Pot

The sound of an almost-empty pot of coffee is also the sound of despair. (We saw you just walk out of the kitchen with a steaming mug, Janet. We know it was you who finished the pot.)

If the coffee pot is empty, take a few moments to brew a fresh batch. Your coworkers will thank you.

Say "Hello" And "Goodbye"

We get it, we're not morning people either, and sometimes the last thing you want to do is interact with people before your second cup of coffee. But a simple greeting when you both arrive at and leave work goes a long way.

Respond To Emails Promptly

We know, ugh. If you've ever wondered if people are annoyed by how long it takes you to respond, the answer is a resounding definitely. Don't leave your responses in draft purgatory. Foster goodwill and be prompt with your response.

Don't Reply All (Unless It's Really Necessary)

Diane from development doesn't need to see a 30th email welcoming Peter to the company. Just stop.

Please Don't Microwave Your Fish

This should only be done in the privacy of your own home. It may taste good, but the warm fishy smell is more than your coworkers need to bear on a Monday afternoon. (Plus, there are much simpler lunches you could make.)

Same goes for broccoli, Brussels sprouts and anything they've every used as an example in a Febreze commercial.