2 New Harry Potter Books Are Coming In October And We’re Freaking Out

by Allie Flinn
Murray Close

It’s been two decades since Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone was released (can someone get us a Time-Turner already?), setting off a chain reaction of kids drawing on their foreheads with permanent marker, mispronunciations of the name Hermione and all-night reading marathons. Seriously, slow readers/people not dedicated enough to stay up till dawn are likely the reason the phrase “spoiler alert” exists.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, Bloomsbury will publish two new books in October. While they aren’t stories following Harry, Hermione, Ron and the few characters that survived, they will delve deeper into the magical (literally and figuratively) world of Harry Potter. Harry Potter: A History of Magic, The Book of The Exhibition will reportedly cover the subjects the students at Hogwarts actually studied; and Harry Potter, A Journey Through A History of Magic will be like the history book you wished you had in high school and will cover all sorts of magical creatures and people.

Luckily we’re adults now, so we can buy our own and won’t have to share with our siblings the single copy our parents bought.