This Is Why You Should Care About Fashion On Inauguration Day

by Samantha McDonald

It’s a historic day for the American people. Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, and intense speculation preceded the event—about guest appearances, the speech he would deliver and, of course, the ensemble First Lady Melania Trump (as well as former FLOTUS Michelle Obama) would wear. But it was Hillary Clinton’s outfit that made the biggest style statement. Dressed in (you guessed it) a pantsuit, the former Democratic presidential nominee donned the symbolic silhouette in white, a subtle reference to the woman’s suffrage movement. It’s particularly notable on the eve of the Women’s March on Washington, a rally against a new administration that some believe threatens to marginalize women’s rights. Hillary’s cashmere coat and suit were designed by Ralph Lauren, who also dressed Melania in a powder blue skirt suit that resembled former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s sophisticated look at President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961. As is typical of a moment this pivotal, fashion continues to play a major and symbolic role.