6 Ways To Get Over Your Creative Slump

by The Everygirl

Have you ever had those moments when you feel like your brain has run out of gas and you’ve encountered a mental roadblock? Where you blankly stare at the computer screen in hopes that your ideas will magically appear? You think it’s just a phase, but after a few weeks (or months), you start to wonder if your creative slump has become permanent.

A creative block, or the blank-page syndrome, can happen to the best of us. It can be a result of a mental burnout, criticism or lack of inspiration. While it might feel like the end of the world, there are ways to overcome it. Here are six ways to get over your creative slump.

1. Change your routine. Doing the same thing every day can stunt your creativity. It can prevent you from feeling inspired because you’re not experiencing anything new. Instead, challenge your thought process by switching things up. Rather than using your computer, write with a pen and paper, or work outside instead of in your office. Even the smallest change can trigger your senses, which can help you get out of a creative funk.

Photo Credit: Devon Rachel

2. Fill your world with positivity. It’s hard to be creative when you surround yourself with negativity. Try to think of happy, original thoughts when your environment is toxic. Improve your life by complaining less often and surrounding yourself with positive people. This should illuminate your creativity because you’ll feel inspired.

3. Work out. Including exercise in your daily routine can positively impact the way your mind works. Not only will it help you physically, but working out releases endorphins, which make your brain very happy. Sometimes people get in creative slumps because they forget to take care of themselves. So, be sure to make your physical well-being a priority.

Photo Credit: Monica Wang

4. Stop working and do something else. Have you ever had one of those moments where you’ve been trying to solve a problem but you couldn’t find a solution until you did something completely different? For instance, you might have thought of it while you were taking a shower or walking the dog. This happens because, during that time, you’re allowing your brain to relax and process information. Rather than fixating on the thought, take a step back and do something else.

Photo Credit: Stephanie Sterjovski

5. Daydream. While your teacher may have scolded you to stop doing this when you were in school, it’s actually a great way to overcome a creative block. Just like the previous point, you’re permitting your brain to relax while imagining different scenarios for the problem you’re trying to solve. This allows you to see the big picture and have an open mind.

6. Embrace it. Beating yourself up because you’re in a creative slump is not going to get you very far (it may even prolong it). Instead of critiquing your faults, try to accept them. Not being able to produce creative thoughts doesn’t weigh on your ability to produce good work. Embrace the fact that you’re going through a creative block and challenge yourself to overcome it by being empathic.

For the full article, go to The Everygirl.


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