
We Just Learned The Sex Of Mindy Kaling’s Baby And We’re So Excited

by Ashley Tibbits

We’ve been eating up every bit of info on Mindy Kaling’s pregnancy since news first broke in July (yeah, we’re just a little excited), so clearly we were on a bump watch when our favorite funny lady hit the carpet for last night’s PaleyFest Fall TV preview. What we weren’t expecting, however, was to learn a majorly important detail about her forthcoming bundle of joy. A few of Mindy’s The Mindy Project co-stars referred to—wait for it—a little girl while chatting with Us Weekly at the event. In fact, actor Ed Weeks also shared the fact that during the final table read, Kaling paralleled how her mom passed away as the show was first starting out, and as it comes to a close she’ll be having a daughter of her own. “I mean, Jesus, life!” Weeks elaborated, “It makes some very interesting and beautiful patterns sometimes.” We couldn’t agree more. Now who else needs a tissue?