Meet Charlotte Tilbury TV, The Makeup Brand's New Holiday-Centric Series

Booking Charlotte Tilbury to do your holiday glam might not be in the cards this year, but learning a thing or two from the celebrity makeup artist and beloved beauty brand founder sure is. On Oct. 13, get ready to plop down in front of Charlotte Tilbury TV — or, CTTV — Charlotte Tilbury's new and holiday-centric TV series steaming on the brand's YouTube channel and CharlotteTilbury.com. Bring your beauty questions along with you, too — the series will also offer fans a chance to get advice via the Pillow Talk Hotline.
"Darlings, as part of my mission to bring joy, positivity, and happiness to you all this holiday, I’m so excited to introduce you to Charlotte Tilbury TV," shared Charlotte Tilbury herself in a press release. "Discover all of my expert tips, tricks, and red-carpet beauty secrets, find the perfect gifts for everyone on your list, and much, much more!"
Not sure which lipstick shade to buy for winter, or which skin care set someone in your life would love for the holidays? That's where the Pillow Talk Hotline steps in. It will operate through the Charlotte Tilbury Instagram account and website, where fans can send in questions, with the chance for them to be answered by the brand during future CTTV episodes.
Additionally, CTTV will offer viewers the opportunity to play the equally new Spin To Win game. To begin, just send the brand any makeup or skin care gifting questions you might have for the holiday 2020 season. Each episode the brand will be choosing two entrees, who will then receive the opportunity to call into the show and spin the wheel — which includes prizes valued up to $650.
Of course, the series will kick off with one of the biggest cult hits from the brand. The first CTTV episode is centered around the award-winning Pillow Talk makeup collection. After you tune in, swing by Charlotte Tilbury's website to get started on your own shopping list: CTTV will be revealing an exclusive 10 percent off discount code for CharlotteTilbury.com, applicable to any order of $95 or higher and redeemable for 24 hours after air time.
The first Charlotte Tilbury TV episode will premiere at 2 p.m. ET on Oct. 13; make sure to check the brand's Instagram account, @CTilburyMakeup, for any extra details.