
These Are The 10 Best Places To Grow Old, For Those Of You Ready To Give Up Already

by Erin Bunch

Life is rough these days. Not compared to, say, the Great Depression, but you know—wages remain mostly stagnant while the cost of shelter (read: rent) continues to rise, and it feels nearly impossible for most of us to get our heads above water as a result. Many of us are also opting not to take all of our vacation time because we feel guilty doing so, and we’re on call 24/7 no matter where we go thanks to the ingenious invention of the smartphone. All of these factors in combination are, in our opinion, causing major burnout, which the blink-and-you-missed-it summer did little to remedy. So, we don’t know about you, but we’ve got our eye on a bigger prize than Summer Fridays: the end of work altogether. Yes, we are in our 20s, 30s and 40s and already thinking about retirement.

Actually, “thinking” is a weak choice of words. More accurately, we are fantasizing, nay, salivating about the time—which will likely not occur until we are in our 90s, if ever—at which we are allowed to kick back our heels and live off of the dole. Luckily, a cute little website called Caring.com did some research into the best places to spend these twilight years chill-axing. It lists Utah, Iowa, South Carolina, Washington, Nebraska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Colorado and Oregon as its top picks. In case you’re curious, lowest on the list of places to which you should be planning to flee as you age are Ohio, Mississippi, New Jersey, Wyoming, North Dakota, New York, Indiana and West Virginia. We’re not going to say anything snarky about any of those places in case you live in one of them, except duh on New York.

Oh, and a quick note to consider: Though society tells us that 30+ is too old for lots of things as a woman (including the wearing of rompers, which this writer rejects) it is not, unfortunately, old enough to qualify you for retirement. Most of us are probably going to have to shine it on for another 50 to 70 years, but worry not, as those last two or three years of life spent in Tempe will be, according to Caring.com, truly golden.