
Tracy Anderson’s 5 Tips For A Better Body

by Nicky Deam

The fitness guru shares her top 5 pieces of advice for a healthy lifestyle. From work-out recommendations to dietary guidance, her words of wisdom will give you everything you need to shape up for 2015.

Tip 1

In Your Head

Tracy Anderson's Brentwood Studio

"If your mind doesn’t break free during your workout it isn’t the right plan for you. Get meditative and motivated to push yourself from within. It’s great to follow an expert but make sure it’s not too invasive. Connecting with yourself is the ultimate goal."

Tip 2

Get Sweaty


"If you aren’t drenching at least your shirt, you aren’t using that hour as effectively as you could be."

Tip 3

Find Your Specialty

"Celebrate YOU and being the best you can be. Draw inspiration from others but strive to be your most balanced self within the realm of your ability. We all have gifts that make us special and unique."

Tip 4

Eat Organic


"Strive to eat organic and rid your system (and those of your children) of harmful chemicals."

Tip 5

Stick To Red


"If you must drink, choose red wine and drink no more than two glasses at a time."

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