
5 Safe And Effective Workout Moves To Do While Pregnant

by Erin Bunch

Part of us was hoping to use pregnancy as an excuse to eat fried foods and spend nearly ten months horizontal, but we’re guessing (or, er, knowing) neither of those things is actually best for baby. So, we tapped AKT founder Anna Kaiser—whose workouts are among our favorites—to put together a safe, go-to workout for the expectant mothers among us, one that would actually keep things tight and make post-baby recovery less painful. Here, 5 moves that are good for both mom and baby.

Inner Thigh Pulses

Stand on your left leg facing away from a barre, couch, table or etc., and hold on behind you to open up your chest and encourage correct posture. Come up on the ball of your left foot, bend your left knee, and tuck your hips under, squeezing your gluts. Hold that position. Now, raise your right leg bent and turn the knee out to the side so that your inner thigh is facing the ceiling. From there, pulse your inner thigh up.

Number of reps: 32, then rest and repeat for 20, then rest and repeat for 12.

Standing Glut Pulses

Stand on your left leg with your left side next to a barre, couch, table, etc and hold on with your left hand. Bend your left knee as deeply as you can without bringing your left heel off the ground. Then, hinge your body over to a flat-back position and raise your right leg to 90 degrees behind you (straight leg). Engage (squeeze) your right glut and pulse your right leg up.

Number of reps: 32, then rest and repeat for 20, then rest and repeat for 12.

Ab Tucks

Starting in quadraped (on all fours), round your spine up as much as you can, pulling your navel to your spine and keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Release your pelvis slightly and then, on an exhale, thrust your pelvis toward your navel while pulling your navel deeper toward your spine. These tucks should be performed in short, quick motions and should be felt in your deep core muscles.

Number of reps: 30, then rest and repeat for 20, then rest and repeat for 15.

Outer-Thigh Lifts

Start in a half-side plank, supporting your body on your right elbow and right knee. Extend your left leg forward, directly out from your left hip. Raise the leg in pulses toward the ceiling with either a straight or bent leg.

Number of reps: 32, then rest and repeat for 24, then rest and repeat for 15.

Booty Burnout

Start by lying on your back with your feet on the floor. Press up into a bridge position, with your hips in the air, and extend your left leg to the ceiling (straight or bent). Holding that position, pulse your right hip toward the ceiling, driving your right heel into the ground and pressing your arms and shoulders firmly into the mat. (You will feel an intense engagement in your right glut and hamstring).

Number of reps: 32, then rest and repeat for 24, then rest and repeat for 24.