
8 Simple Things That Will Make You Instantly Happier

by Erin Bunch

No matter how positive your outlook on life, some moments, days, weeks, months and even years are rough. Sometimes you just want to throw your hairbrush at the wall and scream at the top of your lungs (and sometimes, you absolutely should). We think it can be extremely helpful, however, to prep for tough times when you’re not lost within them by creating an arsenal of go-to tricks that will improve your mood ASAP and save you from unhealthy moments of despair or intense anger. To help us create such a list for ourselves, we enlisted the help of Kelsey J. Patel, who is a Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer and Life Coach (and Pure Barre Beverly Hills owner, to boot). Here, her tips for bringing light into even the darkest of moments.

Adam Katz Sinding

How To Be Instantly Happier



"Taking three minutes to close your eyes while taking 3 rounds of deep inhales and exhales can allow the body to open up, relax, create space and calm down the busy and active mind."


Get outside

"Fresh air and sunshine can allow the energy of the body to lift. Open up your heart and chest to the sky, and enjoy the sun on your face. Actually take the time to smell the roses, put your feet in the sand and listen to the world around you."


Move your body

"Quickly get out of any funk by giving your body a good sweat and giving your endorphins a chance to naturally boost your mood."


Mail some love

"Handwrite a card to someone you love: a best friend, guardian or long-lost teacher, and tell them why you're grateful they're in your life. The simple act of sharing your love will immediately brighten and enlarge the heart."


Turn up the jams

"Play your favorite song and take a few minutes to just listen and rock out, dance, or cry if you need it."


Oil up

"Use one or more of these rituals to connect and open up the body. Take a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender, rosemary, cinnamon, jasmine or peppermint) and place some on your wrists. Rub them together and take some deep breaths. Make your favorite tea and add some coconut oil to hydrate. Or, take five minutes to cover your feet or tired legs with coconut oil and give yourself a mini-massage."



"You've heard it before, but it's true—we are addicted to the instant gratification of social media, and sometimes it can actually be the thing that triggers us to feel bad or down in the first place. Put your computer and cell phone in the other room, and take as much time as you can to just do something else away from technology."


Mindful mantras

"Remember to remind yourself that you're human and allowed to have a bad day. Try practicing these mantras to feel your way through the emotions. "I am free to feel what I am feeling," "I know I will not feel this way forever," "I am safe to feel sad, mad or unhappy," and "I am so grateful to be human and have the ability to feel all the parts of myself."