The Nutrition Plan Gwyneth Paltrow, Gisele And Victoria Beckham Swear By
As if we needed another nutrition fad to (attempt) subscribing to, a new craze is taking over Hollywood that counts über fit celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow, Gisele, Kate Hudson and Victoria Beckham as fans—the alkaline diet. Not your average restrictive meal plan, the alkaline “lifestyle” suggests reducing the intake of acid (coffee, alcohol, meat and dairy) and instead fueling the body with alkaline-rich foods (avocado, coconut, pomegranates, red bell peppers and broccoli, to name a few). Rather than deprive the body, the idea is to obtain the ideal pH balance, which can prevent low energy, weight gain and indigestion. But get this: Foods that seem acidic, such as lemons and tomatoes, are actually considered naturally alkaline (as if we aren’t already confused). Doctors recommend an 80/20 balance–80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acidic–starting by, for instance, ordering salmon instead of steak or choosing quinoa over potatoes. Despite the math, the rules are pretty straightforward: Reach for produce and steer clear of processed foods. Sounds easy enough. Count us in.