
Adele’s Heart-Wrenching Comments On Postpartum Depression Are Super Relatable

by Samantha McDonald

Adele often opens up about love and heartbreak through her chart-topping songs, but the singer got even more candid with fans when she addressed some very personal topics in a recent interview with Vanity Fair. The 10-time Grammy winner revealed her struggle with postpartum depression, admitting that she fears having a second child due to the way she felt after the birth of her son, Angelo. “It frightened me,” she said, adding that she “felt very inadequate; I felt like I’d made the worst decision of my life.”

While she didn’t take antidepressants, Adele traced her depression back to when she was 10 years old following her grandfather’s death and eventually seeking therapy on a regular basis. “I have a very dark side,” she said. “I’m very available to depression. I can slip in and out of it quite easily.”

But motherhood became easier once she started to share her feelings. “One day I said to a friend, ‘I fuckin’ hate this,’ and she just burst into tears and said, ‘I fuckin’ hate this, too.’ And it was done. It lifted,” she said. Now Adele has managed to control her postpartum depression by scheduling one afternoon a week to do whatever she wants minus her son.

“It makes you a better mom if you give yourself a better time,” she said. “You’re constantly trying to make up for stuff when you’re a mom. I don’t mind because of the love I feel for him. I don’t care if I don’t ever get to do anything for myself again.”

Thank you, Adele, for speaking up for mothers everywhere.