
Cressida Bonas Wants You To Know She’s More Than Just Prince Harry’s Ex-Girlfriend

by Samantha McDonald

Dating a royal might sound like a dream come true, but as it turns out it’s not so easy. Just ask actress Cressida Bonas, who dated Prince Harry for two years. Despite their breakup happening in 2014 and both currently dating other people, the socialite admitted that her status as a royal ex continues to make her feel “pigeonholed”—and frankly, she’s not very happy about it. “It’s incredibly frustrating, especially in the industry that I’m in,” she said in an interview on BBC’s Woman’s Hour. “But, you know, it is the way it is… It’s making a stand and saying, ‘Actually, no. This is who I am, and this is what I want to do.'” Cressida and Harry split after the unrelenting publicity put a strain on their relationship, and the actress revealed that making a name for herself without that “ex” label has proved to be difficult. “Especially in this country, I find that people are very quick to put you in a box or put you in a corner and think, ‘Oh, well, you’re that, so you must be that,'” she said. Luckily, Cressida seems to have found happiness with current boyfriend Harry Wentworth-Stanley—as has the prince himself with Meghan Markle.