
What We’ve Learned From Our Moms

by Erin Bunch

As a daughter, it’s natural to rebel against the advice of your mother. For years we resisted her sage words of wisdom, but now we see pretty clearly that she did know everything, we knew nothing and we owe her the world, or at least some gratitude for all she did to prepare us to be the best humans possible. As Mother’s Day approaches, we’re reflecting on the lessons we learned from the matriarchs of our families. Here they are—sweet, sassy and oh so smart.

Adam Katz Sinding

Mom Knows Best

"My mom always insisted we wait for others to get their plates before eating and offer our food to others. Although I often find myself ravenously devouring my meal once it's in front of me (because, hangry), I wait or try to serve or share before I start. This small act of consideration and etiquette says a lot about a person."

Amy Lee, Associate Fashion Editor

"My mom and I don't exactly have the best of relationships, and sometimes I think this is because we share such similar traits. Through her, I learned to always show grace under pressure and to accept things I simply can't change yet be unapologetically strong-willed, which might actually explain why we clash so often."

Samantha McDonald, News Editor

"My mom had a really great way of teaching me to accept anyone and everyone for who they truly are. Whether it be race, gender, sexuality, etc., we're all humans and deserve to be treated with love and respect."

Andrea Navarro, Associate Fashion Editor

"The best lesson I ever learned from my mom is to be humble. Material things come and go, but the person you are and the mark you leave is forever."

Stephanie Montes, Beauty Director

"My mom taught me to love the skin I'm in. As a kid, I had eczema, scoliosis, just a bunch of annoying health issues that made me feel insecure, and she always helped me focus on the positive aspects of my life rather than the negative."

Alyson Fishbein, Social Media Director

"Whenever I get nervous, my mom tells me to put on my 'confidence raincoat.' It reminds me of the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter ... or a really good Chanel jacket. It usually works."

Natalie Zurawin, Associate Producer

"My mom always taught me how to give the best advice, which is not to give advice at all. Often what a friend needs isn't opinions on how to handle problems, but someone to listen and validate her feelings."

Leah Benzie, Social Media Coordinator

"My mom has always encouraged me to live the life I want and not rush to settle down. She married my dad at 19 and had my brothers and me super young, and while I don't think she regrets that choice, she encourages me to prioritize my career, travel and chase my dreams. She gives me the courage to put myself first."

Natalie Mattozzi, Senior Video Producer

"My mom has always been my number-one supporter. She's taught me how fulfilling it is to follow your passion—that even though it's typically a roller coaster achieving the things you want in life, the journey is quite gratifying."

Laura Lajiness, Fashion Editor

"My mom taught me that if you stake your happiness on your appearance, things will not end well for you. The older I get, the more I understand what she means, but she's a 100% natural beauty at 65, and she's my inspiration for growing older with grace."

Erin Nicole, Lifestyle Editor