
The Most Pinned Super Bowl Snacks For Every Kind Of Hostess

by Erin Bunch

If you forgot that this Sunday is Super Bowl LI, you’re forgiven—there’s kind of a lot going on in the world at present. We’re more thankful than ever before for the frivolous distraction of these events, as we all need to blow off steam whether it’s by actually running a football or just scrolling Instagram and eating cheese-covered appetizers during the big game. If you, like us, are looking forward to this festivity-filled weekend but are not at all prepared, we’ve got you covered. Here, six Super Bowl snacks to please every kind of party crowd.

Gimme Delicious

Baked Broccoli Tots

Let's be honest, Super Bowl Sunday isn't exactly the day we watch our diets the closest. Still, it wouldn't hurt to have at least one healthy item included in your spread, and these are a lot more appetizing than cold broccoli stalks dipped in a pool of room-temp ranch dressing.

Healthy Baked Broccoli Tots by Gimme Delicious; recipe here.

Made With Happy

Loaded Tater Tot Skewers

If you're still reading after we tried to sell you on broccoli for a Super Bowl party, we would like to reward you with these gluttonous snacks, which the Pinterest team tells us are 500% more popular this year than in 2016. With our biggest eat-healthy month firmly in the rearview, we think it's time to load up on the cheese and bacon, no?

Loaded Tater Tot Skewers by Made With Happy; recipe here.

Our Life Tastes Good

Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

We're going to caveat these in much the same way we did the broccoli tots—it's definitely advisable to know your audience, as not all will be stoked to see you've replaced their favorite chicken wings with cauliflower impostors. Those obsessed with using this veggie in everything, however, will devour these tasty treats as fast as you can make them.

Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Bites by Our Life Tastes Good; recipe here.

Always Order Dessert

Sweet And Spicy Coca-Cola Chicken Wings

If you fear your friends would never speak to you again after an attempt to serve them vegetables dressed up as chicken wings, we have a little something that will please basically everyone who isn't a vegan. These naughty little snacks make it easier for you to enjoy soda and beer simultaneously—you bake the former into your food, then chase it down with the latter.

Sweet & Spicy Coca-Cola Chicken Wings by Always Order Dessert; recipe here.

Carrots And Flowers

Carolina-Style BBQ Jackfruit Sliders With Apple Slaw

Jackfruit is the food of 2017, and knowing how to prepare it will help you adopt the wellness trend of 2017, even on Super Bowl Sunday. These sliders are the perfect alternative for vegetarians, vegans or those you'd like to trick into being either (at least temporarily).

Carolina-Style BBQ Jackfruit Sliders with Apple Slaw; recipe here.

Food Folks And Fun

Chicken And Waffle Sliders

If these are wrong, we don't want to be right. Serve them as a peace offering to the unwitting meathead (pun intended) who accidentally ate a broccoli tot earlier in the festivities. Pro tip: Make twice as many of these as you do anything else on the menu.

Chicken and Waffle Sliders by Food, Folks and Fun; recipe here.