How To Kill It On Instagram
by The Zoe Report

By now you’re so good at #armparty posts even your distant friends know when you’re due for a manicure. We’re all guilty of sticking with what always gets the most likes, but it’s officially time to refresh your arsenal of money shots. Here, a crash course on the new trends in town. (FYI: You’ll need to find a popsicle stand, stat.)
The New #Macaron: #Popsicles
Photo: @alwaysjudging
The New #ArmParty: #NeckParty
Photo: @manrepeller
The New #SwanFloat: #Pegasus
Photo: @emrata
The New #Soulcycle: #Boxing
Photo: @songdani
The New #OOTD: #AroundTheBelt
Photo: @kendalljenner
The New #Selfie: #Squad
Photo: @karliekloss
The New #IHaveThisThingWithFloors: #IHaveThisThingWithDoors
Photo: @margoandme
The New #FromWhereIStand: #ShoesWithAView
Photo: @sincerelyjules