
What To Wear On The Luckiest Day Of The Year

by Lauren Eggertsen

If you’re in need of a midweek pick-me-up (who isn’t?), you’re in luck. As it turns out, today is the luckiest day of the year—according to a handful of reputable astrologists, at least. To better understand why 8/26/15 is so special, we did a little research and discovered that today Jupiter and the Sun—both associated with gift giving and good luck—fell into alignment. But just because the two planets are in sync, it doesn’t mean you should sit back and let luck fall into your lap. Our suggestion: Work a little bit of green into your look. The color, which symbolizes good fortune, will instantly enhance your mood and your outfit. So, when that potential miracle happens in the next few hours, you’ll be more than prepared for your photo op.

Luck Be A Lady

Photo: Vanessa Jackman

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