Happy Chinese New Year! According to Chinese astrology, February 8, 2016, marks the Year of the Monkey—the ninth of 12 animals in their zodiac cycle. If you were born in a Monkey year, take note—there are certain days, numbers and objects you should both seek and avoid. (If you don’t know your Chinese zodiac sign, search it here.) And if you’re really feeling the festive spirit, treat yourself to Prada’s capsule collection of China-red accessories and animal key chains—they’re bananas. (We had to.)
Monkey Years:
2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920, 1908
For “Monkeys” (born in a Year of the Monkey):
Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
Lucky days: the 14th and 28th of any Chinese lunar calendar month
Lucky colors: white, blue, gold
Lucky flowers: chrysanthemum, crape myrtle
Lucky directions: north, northwest, west
Lucky months: Chinese lunar months 8 and 12
Unlucky colors: red, pink
Unlucky numbers: 2 and 7
Unlucky directions: south, southeast
Unlucky months: Chinese lunar months 7 and 11