There are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe an emoji exists for just about everything, and those (like us) whose petitions prompted Apple to eventually release the essentials—think the avocado, shrugging girl and rolling eyes emojis. Now, the tech giant once again aims to please, with literally hundreds of new emojis coming soon to an iPhone near you. Following the major iOS 11 update, its .1 version will include faces, creatures and random things you never thought you needed in your life—that is, until you’ve actually seen them. A mermaid, a hedgehog, a Chinese takeout box, a Rosebud-like sled and a profanity-laden face are among the latest additions, but our favorites happen to be those every fashion girl is bound to use in rotation. From a gabardine trench coat and fall-appropriate scarf to the post-shower girl (for when you text your friends that you’re OTW but really not) to—finally!—a gender-neutral person, our everyday iMessage convos just got a lot more interesting.