Jen Aniston Is Returning To TV Just When We Need Her Most

by Erin Bunch

We have a secret to tell you, and it’s going to change your life. You don’t need to meditate to be calm and anxiety-free. You don’t need to go for a jog, step out into nature or take a hot bath. Instead, all you need is a solid Friends binge session—trust us, a few hours of Ross, Rachel and the rest of the gang can cure everything that ails you.

That said, we’ve seen every episode about a zillion times, so we couldn’t be more excited to learn today that Rachel—erm, Jennifer Aniston—is returning to the small screen alongside the star of one of our other favorite shows of all time, Big Little Lies‘ Reese Witherspoon, to give us some new material with which to distract ourselves from the harsh realities of the world. This dream duo, if you’ll remember, played sisters on Friends in what was one of the best story lines the show ever spun.

This new series, which is still in its earliest stages and hasn’t yet been sold, explores “morning shows and the larger New York media scene that they inhabit,” according to The Hollywood Reporter. We don’t know about you, but that sentence is giving us major Kathy Lee and Hoda vibes, and we can only hope there’s half as much wine involved. With that said, it’s also to be penned by House of Cards scribe Jay Carson, so we’re not sure exactly what to expect. We also don’t really care, as we’re just overjoyed Jen and Reese will be returning to our TV screens right when we need them most. Stay tuned for more details as they come and, in the meantime, turn off CNN and turn on Friends—we promise, you’ll never go back to facing reality once you’ve found this, the most effective of all sad, 2017 coping mechanisms.