
The Satirical Instagram Account Everyone Is Talking About

by Erin Bunch

Back in the day, when someone had a horrible experience working at a glossy, they simple wrote a book about it (that then turned into a screenplay, which then turned into a film starring Meryl Streep, and so on). This process managed to deliver some epic burns, but it took years. Enter Instagram, which now allows the disgruntled to air their grievances in a much more immediate manner, while remaining anonymous to those they’re poking fun at or exacting revenge upon in the process. Such is the case with @MakeVogueGreat, a new Instagram account penned as a critique on the glossy… in the voice of Donald Trump. As such, it’s inarguably a master work of art, whether you agree with its epic digs at modern day American Vogue or not. For those who want to take up the cause, there’s now a “Make American Vogue Great Again” hat for sale, which you can buy here. While you wait for yours to arrive—and while we all wait with baited breath for Anna Wintour to discover the identity of the account’s author—enjoy the Instagram’s most epic zinger to date below.