
Kim Kardashian Is Back On Social Media With Three Unexpected Posts

by Samantha McDonald

The queen of social media has made her grand return. After being robbed at gunpoint in Paris last month, Kim Kardashian essentially abandoned her online presence, but yesterday she broke the silence when she shared three posts on Facebook. Posted around 15 hours ago, the first was an image of the reality star—minus any jewelry—with the LuMee illuminating smartphone case. The other two were links to an article about last-minute Halloween costumes and videos of the Kardashians celebrating Halloween. However, all posts were taken down this morning.

Facebook was the only medium Kim used in the last 24 hours. Before her social media hiatus, she often posted across all platforms. Whether she’s chosen a different online approach or is simply treading carefully, this might just signal Kim’s return to her normal life—normal, that is, for a Kardashian.