
Drinking This Tea Can Help Cure Breakouts, According To The Internet

by Andrea Marie

It seems our skin just loves to flare up right before a big event or an important meeting. We try all kinds of skincare products and pay regular visits to the dermatologist, but the struggle to find a cure is still very real.

The beauty community on Reddit happens to be quite vocal, though, sharing plenty of tips and tricks across threads. Earlier this week, one user garnered a ton of responses to a question posted on the Skincare Addiction sub-Reddit. In a thread titled “Can we talk about spearmint?” the user explained how she believed drinking spearmint tea helped cure her hormonal acne. For adults, hormonal acne can be one of the hardest skincare conditions to tackle. Within a few hours, the post was full of responses from other Reddit users agreeing they’d seen similar results, most reporting zero breakouts within three to six months of trying the tea.

Of course, an internet message board isn’t exactly an expert source of skincare advice, and you should certainly seek the help of a professional for your specific concerns; however, such positive feedback from a good amount of people has us intrigued—and there is actually some data that seems to support this theory. Spearmint tea has been linked to a decrease in androgen, which is the male hormone linked to adult acne in females. This isn’t to say you should give up traditional treatments and acne medication, but if you’re looking for a boost to your routine, go ahead and pour yourself a cup.