
6 Beauty Lessons I’ve Learned From My Mom And Still Follow Today

by Andrea Marie

As a beauty editor, I’ve had the privilege of learning tips and tricks from the very best in the industry. From nailing the perfect winged eyeliner to having an ideal skincare routine set in stone, I’ve been very lucky to hear advice straight from the pros. That isn’t to say though, that growing up, I didn’t learn a thing or two about beauty from an expert of all things—my mother. In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m sharing the six beauty tips that she instilled in me, courtesy of my number-one lady. Here, the most important lessons my mom taught me about beauty that I follow to this very day. After all, Mom knows best.

I love wearing makeup, but if I had a dollar for each time my mother reminded me to always wash it off before bed, my bank account would be a lot prettier than it currently is. I'd say we're all guilty of being lazy sometimes, but, because of her, there's always at least a stash of wipes next to my bed.

Growing up, there wasn't a time I didn't hear, "Did you put lotion on today?" My mother always drilled me about moisturizing drier areas, such as my knees, and elbows, and now I have a massive collection of different lotions and oils—too many, if we're being honest.

As a kid I had thick (very thick) eyebrows, but as I got older my mom was adamant about how important shaping and grooming them was. Today, my eyebrows are arched to a point where I'm proud of them—thanks to regular upkeep and the right products, of course.

Great skin starts from the inside, right? I didn't drink nearly as much water growing up as I do now, but I can say that my skin texture is definitely 10 times healthier these days.

As hard as it is to put down my phone at night and stop checking emails, Instagram or whatever is going viral at the moment, I force myself to. In our family, under-eye bags are so common that my mother insisted I wouldn't fall into the trap. So, I try to sleep as much as possible—I'm not always successful, but the effort is there.

This may be the hardest one, but it's surely the most important. At the end of the day, we're all different and look different, and that's a great thing. As easy as it is to fall into societal pressures about modern beauty standards, it's important to embrace what makes me, me.