Crazy Beauty Topics Nobody Talks About But Should

We’re guessing the last time you gathered your girls for a little wine and whine, your discussion topics did not include butt facials, Botox bruises and the details of your bikini line. While some things may be better left unsaid, there are some things—especially in the beauty realm—that are hard to say but important to talk about. Here at TZR, we aren’t the shy kind, so we’re getting down to the nitty gritty and telling you the things nobody else will. You’re welcome.
The 411 On Taboo Beauty
Photo: Vanessa Jackman
As if the thought of getting bikini ready wasn’t terrifying enough, there’s a new treatment taking the process to new heights. Trademarked as the Shiny Hiney and referred to as a "bacial," the facial for your bottom consists of vigorous exfoliation, a steam treatment and a peel to rid your tush of blemishes, dead skin and pigmentation. Just like a facial, the process takes place in a spa and is conducted by a facialist. Bottoms up!
Whether or not you’ve tried injectables, procedures that plump and fill have become increasingly common. Taking it a step further, a new process has doctors putting a filler in breasts to enlarge them for up to 12 months. Although not available in the US yet, temporary breast augmentations are a quick new way to fill out your bikini before your next vacation.
Speaking of fillers, if you're the type that enjoys a good Botox session, you may have also experienced its common side effect: bruising. Now that your face is clear of fine lines, make sure it isn't black and blue. Before you leave the house, dab on a yellow based concealer to the area and follow with a high-coverage foundation. A lady never reveals her secrets.
Here's one myth we're finally putting to rest: Eating chocolate does not cause breakouts. When the body is under large amounts of stress, it releases Cortisol, a hormone that causes cravings for sugar and fat. Breakouts are actually due to the stress, not the chocolate. When unfortunate blemishes do occur, make sure not to pick. Instead, add a dab of tea-tree oil and cover with a green-based concealer.
Just the thought of having hair ripped from our most sensitive areas sends chills down our delicate spines. We rounded up a few dos and don'ts for you to consider before your next grooming sesh.
Do: Trim beforehand to allow wax to get to the root and not just hairs on the surface.
Don’t: Consume alcohol in hopes of numbing the pain–it actually tightens pores.
Do: Exfoliate in between waxing to reduce the chance of ingrown hairs.
Don’t: Wax during your menstrual cycle. Skin is actually more sensitive at that time.