Masked Crusader
In relentless pursuit of show-stopping strands, we see nothing wrong with dutifully testing every mane mender that crosses our paths. Heads and tails above the rest—literally!—Aesop’s Rose Hair & Scalp Moisturizing Mask is a fabulous fix worth sharing.
Made from an earthy mélange of grapefruit seed, lavender and exquisitely scented rose petals, Aesop’s all natural number does right by our ‘do. Not only do we look gorgeously glossy after one treatment, but it soothes our stressed scalp too. Maj! A tall drink of water, when it comes to bringing your tired tresses back to life, we suggest you indulge with a masque.
Availability: Aesop Rose Hair & Scalp Moisturising Masque ($99). For additional information, visit Aesop.com.
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